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"widget-counter-documents": "Documents", "widget-counter-report-published": "Reports published", "widget-chart-title": "Chart", "widget-chart-on-time-shipments": "Transit on time", "widget-chart-late-shipments": "Late shipments", "widget-list-title": "List", "widget-list-shipment-id": "Shipment ID", "widget-list-consignor": "Consignor", "widget-list-controlling-customer": "Controlling customer", "widget-list-expected-departure-date": "Expected departure date", "widget-reports-title": "Reports", "widget-map-title": "Live Shipments", "widget-map-popup-label": "Shipment", "widget-map-popup-last-position": "Last position", "widget-map-popup-estimated-time-of-departure": "ETD", "widget-map-popup-estimated-time-of-arrival": "ETA", "widget-map-popup-etd-long": "Estimated time of departure", "widget-map-popup-eta-long": "Estimated time of arrival", "widget-map-popup-departure": "Departure", "widget-map-popup-arrival": "Arrival", "widget-pinned-title": "Pinned Documents", 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"finish": "Finish", "cancel": "Cancel", "confirm": "Confirm", "save": "Save", "discard-changes": "Discard changes", "ok": "OK", "yes": "Yes", "no": "No", "add-users": "Add users", "add-user": "Add a user", "analytics": "Analytics", "team": { "create": "Create", "search": "Team search...", "send-pending-invite": "Send pending invitation", "invite-user-confirm": "Are you sure you want to send invitation to invited users ?", "give-team-name": "Give your team a name", "give-team-cw-org-$teamName": "Add CW Organizations code to {teamName}", "team-name-error": "This name already exist", "team-name-error-char": "The team name can't contain a special character", "add-logo-color": "Add a logo and a color for your Team", "add-cardgowise": "Add organisation Cargo Wise one to your team", "$teamName-created": "{teamName} is now created !", "go-my-team": "Go to my Team", "members": "Members", "clasquin-offer": "CLASQUIN Offer", "roles": "Roles", "cw-organisations": "CW Organisations", "team-does-not-exist": "The team you are trying to access does not exist", "select-service-activate-$teamName": "Select the service you want to activate for {teamName}", "logo-file-size-error": "Image is too large for a team logo, please only use images smaller than 1Mb", "role": { "manage-rights-for-$teamName": "Manage rights for {roleName}", "manage-rights-for": "Manage rights for ", "create-role": "Create a role", "$numMembers-members": "{numMembers} members", "name-of-role": "Name of the role", "delete-role": "Delete role", "confirm-delete-$roleName": "You are about to delete the role {roleName}", "collaborative": "Collaborative", "transport-monitoring": "Transport monitoring", "po-management": "PO Management", "live-news": "Live News", "live-invoice": "Live Invoices", "transit-warehouse": "Transit warehouse", "customs": "Customs", "reporting": "Reporting & KPI", "booking": "Booking" }, "offer": { "service-documentation": "Documentation", "service-team-organisation": "Team 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user)", "service-reporting-description": "Ask IST team to deploy standard KPIs for your client (Operational, Financial, Transit time,..)", "service-live-news": "Live News", "service-newsletter": "Newsletter", "service-live-news-description": "Live news", "service-newsletter-description": "Newsletter", "service-po-management": "PO Management", "service-po-management-description": "PO management", "service-transit-warehouse-list": "Transit Warehouse", "service-transit-warehouse-list-description": "Transit Warehouse", "service-live-invoice-list": "@:module.live-invoice.offer.title", "service-live-invoice-list-description": "@:module.live-invoice.offer.description", "service-wakeo-bookings": "Booking requests", "service-wakeo-booking-description": "Create and manage your booking requests", "service-customs-list": "Customs declarations list", "service-customs-list-description": "Track your customs", "collaborative": "Collaborative", "transport-monitoring": "Transport monitoring", "po-management": "PO Management", "live-news": "Live News", "live-invoice": "Live Invoices", "transit-warehouse": "Transit warehouse", "customs": "Customs", "reporting": "Reporting & KPI", "booking": "Booking" }, "organization": { "confirm-delete-$orgaName": "Confirm Delete {orgaName}", "delete-organization": "Delete organization ?", "add-organization": "Add CW Organizations", "controlling-customer": "Controlling Customer Files only", "cw-codes": "CW Code(s)", "controlling-customer-info": "If you select this option, the user will only see the shipments with this code as controlling customer." }, "create-user-for-$teamName": "Create a user for {teamName}", "create-user": { "create": "Create user", "name": "First Name", "surname": "Last Name", "email": "Email", "job-title": "Job title", "orga-cw": "Orga CW", "role": "Role", "send-invite-now": "Send the invitation now" }, "add-user": { "add-existing-to-$teamName": "Add existing users to {teamName}", "name": "Name", "job-title": "Job 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You should select the company code fo the country where your client is controlled.", "select-company-code-button": "Select a company code", "select-organization": "Add", "finish": "Finish" }, "dashboard-tab": { "title": "Dashboard", "select-dashboard-for-$teamName": "Select the default dashboard for « {teamName} »", "dashboard-description": "The Dashboards contain widgets relative to offer such as tracking, make sure the offer is activated for your team or the wigdet will e empty.", "custom-dashoard-card": { "title": "Custom Dashboard", "message": "The custom dashboard is made by our IT Team, send an email to live@clasquin.com with your needs to ask one." }, "preview-card": { "$dashbordTitle": "{dashboardTitle}", "no-preview-image-message": "Activate the dashboard ?", "cancel-button": "Cancel", "activate-button": "Activate" } }, "live-news-tab": { "title": "Live News", "user-table": { "header": { "name-label": "@:user.user-table-header-name-label", "email-label": "@:user.user-table-header-email-label", "job-title-label": "@:user.user-table-header-jobtitle-label", "news-letter-email-label": "Weekly Sum up", "specific-news-email-label": "Important email" } } }, "booking-tab": { "title": "Booking", "body": { "launch-label": "Launch the companies creation/update in Wakeo", "launch-sub-label": "This action is mandatory before using the booking functionnality in Live.", "launch-button": "Start", "define-wakeo-label": "Define the Wakeo company ID", "define-wakeo-sub-label": "It allows to define which company is creating the booking. it will fill the field \"shipment\" in the wakeo booking APIs.", "add-button": "Add Wakeo company", "save-button": "Save", "suppliers-settings": "Suppliers Settings", "users-management": "Users Management", "users-management-role": "Role", "consignee-consignor": "Consignors/Consignees visibility", "search-address": "Search on Organizations", "consignee-consignor-table": { "address": "Address", "wakeo-company-id": "Wakeo Id", "consignee": "Consignee", "consignor": "Consignor", "consignee-visibility": "Consignee visibility", "consignor-visibility": "Consignor visibility" } } }, "po-management-tab": { "title": "PO management" }, "po-management-winddle-main-orga-code": "Client code", "po-management-save-data": "Save", "po-management-winddle-section-title": "Winddle settings", "po-management-winddle-template-name": "Template name", "po-management-winddle-master-clasquin-email": "Master Clasquin e-mail", "po-management-winddle-service-po-visibility": "PO visibility", "po-management-winddle-service-booking-visibility": "Booking visibility", "po-management-edi-section-title": "EDI settings", "po-management-user-list-section-title": "Users management", "po-management-table-winddle-role": "Role", "po-management-winddle-role-option": { "customer_simple": "Customer (global order access, not manager)", "customer": "Customer", "supplier": "Supplier", "clasquin": "Clasquin" }, "alerting-tab": { "title": "Alerting", "body": { "title": "Create Alerts for your users", "no-alerts": "No alert created yet", "create-button": "Create Alert" }, "modal": { "title-create": "Create an alert", "title-update": "Update an alert", "alert-type": "Alert Type", "name": "Title", "conditions": "Conditions", "recipients": "Recipients", "add-button": "Add new", "create-button": "Create", "update-button": "Update", "cancel-button": "Cancel", "settings": "Settings" }, "modal-delete": { "title": "Delete Alert", "body": "Are you sure ?" }, "item": { "edit": "Edit", "duplicate": "Duplicate", "delete": "Delete" } } }, "team-alerting": { "type": { "daily-documents-recap": "Daily recap : documents on shipments", "winddle-booking-submitted": "New booking submitted", "update-on-po": "Update on an order", "daily-po": "Daily recap PO - Reminder before CRD" }, "filter-type": { "place-of-loading": "Place of loading", "place-of-discharge": "Place of discharge", "consignor": "Consignor", "consignee": "Consignee", "document-type": "Document type", "transport-mode": "Transport mode", "transport-mode-setting": "Transport mode", "incoterm-setting": "Incoterm", "orderreqexwork-setting": "Req. ex works date", "service-level-setting": "Service level", "specific-field-setting": "Specific field (Delivery level)", "cargo-ready-date-setting": "Select how many days before CRD you want to send the email" } }, "user": { "user-does-not-exist": "The user you are trying to access does not exist", "users": "Users", "user-table-header-name-label": "Name", "user-table-header-email-label": "Email", "user-table-header-jobtitle-label": "Job Title", "user-table-header-status-label": "Status", "user-table-header-roles-label": "Roles", "user-table-header-cworganisations-tracking-label": "Tracking Visibility", "user-table-header-cworganisations-invoice-label": "Invoice Visibility", "user-table-header-cworganisations-label": "CW Organisations", "user-table-header-key-contact-label": "Key Contact", "user-search-placeholder": "Search for 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current services", "team-role-error-invalid-rights-collaborative": "The team does not have the required Collaborative offer to activate the current services", "team-role-error-invalid-rights-transport": "The team does not have the required Transport Monitoring offer to activate the current services", "team-role-error-invalid-rights-chat": "The team does not have the required Chat offer service to activate the current services", "team-role-error-invalid-rights-documentation": "The team does not have the required Documentation offer service to activate the current services", "team-role-error-invalid-rights-track-trace": "The team does not have the required Track & Trace offer service to activate the current services", "team-role-error-invalid-rights-shipments-tracking": "The team does not have the required Track & Trace offer service to activate the current services", "team-role-error-invalid-rights-reporting": "The team does not have the required Reporting offer service to activate the 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search", "shipment": "Shipment", "modal-enter-address": "Enter email adress to receive alert about this shipment", "modal-add": "Add", "modal-send": "Send", "house-bill-of-lading": { "default": "House bill of Lading :", "sea": "@:universal-tracking.house-bill-of-lading.default", "air": "Air Way bill :", "rail": "@:universal-tracking.house-bill-of-lading.default", "road": "@:universal-tracking.house-bill-of-lading.default" }, "container-type": "Container type :", "container-code": "Container code :", "vessel-name": { "default": "Vessel :", "sea": "@:universal-tracking.vessel-name.default", "air": "Flight numbers :", "rail": "@:universal-tracking.vessel-name.default", "road": "@:universal-tracking.vessel-name.default" } }, "module": { "analytics": { "title": "My reports" }, "customs-tracking": { "list-title": "Customs List", "document-status": { "missing": "Missing docs", "full": "No Anomaly", "missing-details-commercial": "Missing Commercial Invoice" }, "columns": { "isSelected": " ", "data": { "clasquinCustomsRef": "Clasquin ref.", "status": "Status", "declarationNumber": "Declaration number", "invoiceNumber": "Invoice number", "consignor": "Consignor", "consignee": "Consignee", "shipmentTransportMode": "Transport mode", "incoterm": "Incoterm", "totalGrossWeight": "Gross weight", "totalGrossWeightUnit": "Gross weight unit", "packageNumber": "Package number", "packageType": "Package type", "customsCreationDate": "Declaration creation date", "clientReference": "Client ref.", "shipmentEntryType": "Type", "firstBAEDate": "First BAE date", "ecsStatus": "ECS Status", "declarationType": "Declaration Type" }, "button": " Download" }, "date-range-selection": { "date-type": "Filter by date", "mode": { "from-30-d": "From 30 days", "from-60-d": "From 60 days", "from-90-d": "From 90 days", "custom": "Custom" }, "from": "From", "to": "To", "date-picker-placeholder": "Pick a date" }, "selected-invoice-actions": { "selected": "selected", "actions": { "default": "Action", 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